Let me try to express the problem I have here. Ever since the Daily show came to be in the U.S we have a degree of entertainment in commenting on our politics. But let me ask you this, should politics be entertainment? Because it is increasingly becoming that. https://twitter.com/rikcloesen/status/1353554370542055424
And I fucking loathe it. Yes, satire is important, yes, it is important to lampoon political figures. And yes it is important to have a laugh at the expense of our political decision-makers. This is part of the democratic structure of accountability.
But entertainment itself has over the course of the last decade mutated into this grotesque monstrosity of an avenue into politics. What is Trump if not the end product of that thing that started with John Steward? An entertainment program morphed into a supposed political agenda
I honestly hate the fact that news entertainment shows are by now the most widespread medium through which we consume news and politics. Both on TV and here on youtube. Our politics though isn't just a laughing matter. It is how we choose what society we are.
So yes, I have a fundamental dislike of the Hasan Pikers, the Vaushes, the Sargons, and the Shoeonheads of this world. Their low effort, often misinformed, badly researched, edgy joke trash soup, is contributing to a wider socio-political problem of our time.
Namely a continual public disillusionment with politics as a means to improve society, and increasing cynicism and distrust of democratic institutions, and obfuscation of politics into nothing but showmanship without principles or having to even stand for fucking anything.
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