The Dept of Agriculture, Forestry& Fisheries, through the State Attorney’s office, wrote on 17/11/2020 to Justice Minister Ronald Lamola objecting strongly to Western Cape Judge President John Hlophe’s involvement in selecting the judge to hear Barnabas Xulu’s R20-million matter.
In what appears to be a repeat offence, WC Judge President John Hlophe has once again personally intervened in a matter involving his lawyer Barnabas Xulu, replacing a High Court judge dealing with various actions related to a R20-million payback Xulu’s firm, BXI, owes the state.
On 16 November Hlophe wrote to Lamola instructing him to appoint Judge Philip Zilwa “to act as a Judge in the Western Cape High Court to hear another application involving BXI. Smith, J, was appointed to hear other applications and he may not hear another application involving
parties,” contended Hlophe.

Hlophe revealed to Lamola that he had “discussed the matter with Mbenenge JP of the Eastern Cape Division and he has kindly agreed that Judge Zilwa should be appointed by the Minister to hear another application involving BXI.”
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