So let us do a brief reminder of Twitter etiquette:

✨ Untag whoever RTed a thing from your response to that thing, particularly if you are going to be ignorant.

✨ If you're a white person, really, truly think whether or not you need to say anything to a PoC tweet. At all.
(This includes white apologies. I've muted and/or soft-blocked two people today who started in with the "I'm white and I'm sorry." It's exhausting and self-centric and you can Google why it is a problem.)

✨ If asked for advice, give it. If they didn't ask for advice, don't.
✨ Re: previous note about thinking about a response: are you going to respond and ask for education? Google is right there.

✨ If you are a new follower, gauge before leaping to familiarity. Would you dump all your angst on the shoulders of a stranger at the coffee shop? No?
✨ Adding to the previous point, if you know someone, it is still always, always polite to ask before venting.

✨ Pronouns are in people's profiles for a reason and it is NOT optional.

✨ Read the whole thread or tweet before making a fool of yourself.
✨ Again, again, AGAIN, don't make people's personal tweets and cheerful remarks about you. Take it to a friend who consents to being vented to. Do not dump your personal hang-ups - PARTICULARLY if a white person to a PoC - on the cheery tweets of someone you barely know.
✨ Believe it or not, people do not need your approval to tweet their thoughts or become rightfully angry against injustices they experience as a marginalized person.

(I've gotten THREE tweets to this affect this weekend. THREE too many. I don't ask for or need your approval.)
✨ No one needs you to be the Devil's Advocate. Not even the Devil. Ever. Never.

✨ You do not have to tell a marginalized person about something awful going on so they can "raise their voice." We usually know. Don't dump pain into DMs and mentions as an FYI.
Last ones that have been bugging me recently:

✨ Allyship or "being around and listening for a while" does not make you equivalent to a PoC's lived experience.

✨ Don't hop onto a tweet thread with "I want to add." Use your platform. You know, the one YOU'RE tweeting from.
✨ Do not parrot back to PoC what they just tweeted or points they have already made.

This has happened SO. MANY. TIMES. recently and I soft-block every time.
Disclaimer that I may be missing some really irritating Twitter behavior but I'm focusing in particular on the nonsense I've experienced the past 72 hours and that has been really, really getting under my skin.

Oh, an additional one!

If you are going to hold a conversation with a friend for HOURS that one of my tweets set off, please untag me! It's not fun to wade through a bunch of mentions that aren't meant for me.
You can follow @gildedspine.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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