Fifty years ago today troops loyal to General Idi Amin overthrew Milton Obote's govt and inaugurated the Second Republic of Uganda.

Here's Amin taking the oath of office at the airstrip in Kololo. There were 50,000 people there that day.

Short thread follows.
Amin's coup was met with great enthusiasm in Mengo, the historic centre of the Buganda kingdom. Buganda's royalists hoped that Amin would restore their kingdom. It had been abolished by Obote's regime in 1967.

Here's the scene at Kasubi tombs a few days after the coup.
The coup was carried off by the Malire Mechanised Regiment. In the morning of 25 Jan. their tanks shot up Entebbe airport--where Obote's loyal soldiers were encamped, awaiting his return from a conference in Singapore.

Here's Amin congratulating the Malire men, 31 Jan.
This clip shows Amin at a press conference at 'Command Post', 28 Jan. 1971. Amin accused Obote of advancing his own people, the Langi, against the common interest.

At 0:59 there's an uncomfortable interview with Miria Obote, the deposed president's wife.
In the years that followed the events of 25 Jan. were made into a foundational myth. Every year the anniversary of the coup was celebrated as 'Republic Day' with parades & other festivities.

Here's the first Republic Day parade, 25 Jan. 1972. The floats at 1:12 are terrific.
And here's the 1975 celebration of Republic Day.

Amin's famous bagpipe band--clad in kilts--is at 1:14.

All clips are from @Reuters.
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