Real talk, some of my best professional mentors have been sex workers.

Most professional women in ag are ashamed to just come out & say "Most of my job is stage-managing men, and here are some ways I've found to do it & stay sane." They're useless as mentors lmao
Even though that's what women, period, should be talking about just for our survival. Nevermind to keep our jobs.

Sex workers are some of the few people who will just up & tell you how shit really works. They know too much, say it out loud, & that's probably what scares people.
"Anti-trafficking activism" is just another branch of the same old "save the children uwu" conservative bullshit as forced-birth and TERFs.

The changes they pursue do nothing for their stated goal of ~saving women & children.~
If you actually want to stop exploitation in any industry, you don't do that by cutting people off from safer sources of work like online, where it's easy for workers to cut out the middleman & connect with their audiences directly.
jfc it's like somebody said they're "saving farmers" and you ask them how they want to do it, & they say "Banning CSAs and farmers markets!"

It's really that fucking stupid. Just... like... imagine.
Speaking of which, the folks pushing "anti-trafficking" laws & purges dgaf about workers or kids.

You know how I know? Because if they did, they'd be going after agriculture.
Anyway, sex workers' rights are workers' rights. If these anti-SW platform pushes go through, I guarantee you personally know people who'll get fucked over. Even if you think you don't.
having porn on this platform is rad actually

twitter let Trump metastasize here until 2 weeks ago, the least they can do to make it up to us is let us sell our own dang nudes
And a specific legislative ask: call your senators & tell them to shitcan SISEA.
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