This is about Michael Joseph Gaul, who formed a "Patriot Party" PAC for trump.

Apologies in advance. This may not be linear or well-structured. But I want to get info out there regarding Mike Gaul. /1
The address on his filing is true. He lives in Columbia County, Georgia. His background is all over the place. First, let me address the use of the name "Patriot Party," since it once again brings me back to trying to educate people on trademarks. /2
People shouldn't file applications for a trademark without first doing a search to see if it already exists in the same G&S (goods and services) category, because it will be denied automatically and end up wasting money. /3
In 2006, a Floridian, Donald William Magyar, filed a trademark application for the word mark "Patriot Party" under IC 200, "Indicating membership in a political party." It was granted & registered on 10/16/07. Because he didn't renew as required, @USPTO cancelled it 5/18/18.

USPTO = United States Patent & Trademark Office

His name being Donald Magyar is quite a coincidence, particularly since you see Maga in his surname. Be that as it may--

On 5/22/18, Mr. Magyar reapplied a few days later for the same trademark, this time under two categories.

IC200 - Indicating membership in an organization and association of like-minded, politically oriented Americans

Under 1A basis, already used in commerce. Alleged back to 04/04/2000. Untrue. In his 2006 filing, he claimed first use 2006. @USPTO examiner missed this white lie. /6
For something to be claimed under a 1A basis, you must prove you're actually using it "in commerce." I can't find any indication that he was doing that. But we'll move on as this is only slightly relevant. /7
He also filed as IC0235 Political party services, namely, promoting the interests of a political organization, again 1A (alleging he was using it in commerce.

BOTH filings were granted and registered on 1/28/20.

Along come two opportunistic idiots looking to cash in on the name "Patriot Party," but failing to do a TESS search to see if it was already registered.

12/6/20, BOS4LLC in Arizona filed for "The Patriot Party" under IC025, for hats, shirts, etc. Filed it as 1B, meaning it's not yet being used in commerce.

That corp is Edward & Lauren Bostock of Queen Creek, AZ.

On 12/30/20, Gary L. Stevens dba Patriot Party in Illinois, filed under IC 035, "Political party services, namely, promoting the interests of a political organization."

Wasted his money. Mr. Magyar got his approved on 1/28/20 under the same IC035. So this will be rejected.

Which brings me to Michael Joseph Gaul, who wants to call his entity the Patriot Party.

Mr. Magyar owns the trademark to that name and could send a C&D (cease and desist) letter to Mr. Gaul. Even trump can't use it without paying for the trademark. /12
Now Michael Joseph Gaul, whom I will refer to as simply Gaul henceforth, raises a lot of red flags.

This whackadoodle is a rightwing conspiracy Q-nut, active in two facebook groups.

Group #1: "The Revolution Continues"

Group #2: "No Confidence Revolution"

Gaul posted this in both groups on January 7, 2021, the day after the insurrection. I hope he's on a watch list.

Gaul's LinkedIn includes @DHSgov as a "Weapons of Mass Destruction Technician."

Also says he's a firefighter. /16
On NextDoor, Gaul lists his occupation as a landscape contractor. Given Giuliani's event in the parking lot of Four Seasons Landscaping, this made me chuckle.

Before Georgia, it appears that Gaul grew up in North Carolina. Radaris shows him as a fire protection specialist with only a high school diploma. Not sure how he'd get a DOD job, but it's possible Radaris is wrong or he's lying. /18
Gaul's ex-wife Christy Yovnne Gaul lives in Seven Springs, NC, although her name is still on the Columbia County, Georgia property tax records. They divorced in 2012. 

Gaul was sued by Beneficial Georgia in 2010 for defaulting on a loan repayment agreement. Yep, cut from the same cloth as 44.5.

There's this image of a fire captain's hat for Fort Gordon. It concerns me that someone deep into conspiracy theory groups holds a position that deals with the public. /21
David Pristash ends his blog with this. Wrap your head around it if you can.

As I find more about Michael Joseph Gaul, I'll add to this thread.

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