so i'm getting a lot of questions asking me to clarify my position on @nba_topshot, so here it is!
i get it -- i do. but it's not for me, because i'm both a poor steward of short-term arbitrage opportunities and i personally dislike products whose business model forces user-negative behaviors
so what do i mean by that? well, a lot of consumer products monetize through ads. because of that, the ads become increasingly annoying and pervasive as unit returns decrease, and hence, user-negative. but that's necessary for that business model
the business model -- or more accurately in this case, how "value" is defined -- is solely a function of demand and scarcity. scarcity is fixed while demand is variable, so demand is what can be optimized to achieve highest value
how do you optimize demand? if you're the platform, advertising, partnerships, etc. if you're a holder, you pump like crazy. pump pump pump. you use your status and your audience and your influence and you pump
without an ever increasing influx of users who don't hold into the bottom layer to create buying demand, then there's no fomo and no auction pressure and therefore no increase of value
it's not a personal indictment of anyone when i say that is not for me -- it's really more of a reflection of my priorities and my skills and what i find valuable
(as an aside, you should consider everyone who evangelizes here or anywhere else on the blockchain as an actor who has a specific and direct reason for doing so, and it's got likely very little to do with their pure passion for the tech)
i've turned down lots of opportunities that were the right one economically but the wrong one personally -- and btw, it's a huge privilege to be able to do so -- mostly because all i want to do in life is work on things i find interesting
well, that and to wake up at 2pm if i want to. but i'm just not motivated by money directly -- although it's great when economic opportunity and things i find interesting intersect cough @BigBrain -- and therefore this just isn't really for me
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