Re: Fairness Doctrine.
1) We need to update the Foreign Agents Registration Act (I recommend quarterly disclosures, not semi-annual, and harsher fines/sentences for violations)
2) we need massive personal data privacy legislation, along the lines of HIPAA, + limits
on microtargetting/funneling based on protected class status
(How do you think trump 2016 campaign suppressed so many votes by POC? Microtargetting that’s how)
3) we need to legislate algorithm transparency and enhanced political advertisement transparency from social media
4) we need to require anything claiming to be disseminating “news,” whether print, TV, radio, or internet, to clearly label opinion content vs straight news content. Advertising must be flagged as advertising content.
In summary: We don’t need to reinstate the...
...Fairness Doctrine.
We need modern laws that will address our current issues, and expected future issues, that will allow us & future generations to defend objective truth, while allowing for full 1A rights of expression, opinion, etc.
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