Y'all ever notice that even though Trump wore makeup pretty much every day, no one ever turned that into a misogynistic/homophobic joke? Sure, we made fun of him because his vanity made him look ridiculous, but we didn't joke about his purse or call him "Lady T" or whatever.

That's because although Trump tells a lot of lies about himself—he is NOT a germaphobe & he DOES drink—there's never been a hint that he is anything but heterosexual & a pedophile. He likes/assaults women and little girls.

And that was enough to cement his masculinity.

The man walked around in makeup and high heels and yet we didn't make misogynistic/gay jokes about it.

That bothers me. I think bc Trump's habit of assaulting women & little girls exempted him from a particular kind of mockery. Bc he was a "real man" I guess?

Like ... being a straight man, even one as shitty as Trump, is somehow better than being a gay man or a woman. That's how it feels.

But we'll use any excuse to call a (presumed) gay man a woman as an insult, essentially, which is shitty to both gay men and women, because gay men aren't women AND bc being like a woman or femme is not funny. My existence is not a joke. I am not LESS THAN.

I imagine that just like @FruitKace I'm about to hear a bunch of tired fucking excuses about it. Save it. None of them fly. You're just hurting innocent members of the LGBTQ community AND women when you do that shit. Not Gaetz. Not Graham. Knock it the fuck off.

Side note: making fun of Trump because he's fat wasn't cool either. (Doing it bc he obviously lied about it is different.)

I mean, I'm fat. So, you know, if you are ok with making fat jokes about Trump, he doesn't see them, but people like me do. And, uh, fuck off.

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