I am the son of a Scottish migrant.

My name is not my own as our family history only goes back to my great grandfather.

My brother is currently paying a genealogist in an attempt to find out who we are, and what are our customs.
We don't know this history as it was stolen.
As many people on here will know Scots were forcibly removed from their homelands in an event now known as the clearances. From 1750 through 1860. Our lands were stolen our traditions outlawed. We were murdered, beaten and starved.

Family legend tells me I am from Skye.
My brothers and I feel a need to reconnect with our heritage. To tattoo our lost clan shields upon us. I hope our genealogist can help.
This brings me to tomorrow when polling suggests half of all Australians will celebrate the date of a similar experience for the first nations people of Australia.
The exact same people who murdered and stole the land of my forebears repeated the dose in Australia.
Destroying the culture and traditions of First nation Australians. Removing them from country. Murdering and starving them.

I will not celebrate genocide. I will not celebrate theft.

Though I will never know the pain my first nations comrades feel tomorrow I can relate.
I love this country.

I love the opportunity it provides me and my family.

I'd love to celebrate a unifying day for all Australians. That day will never be the 26th.

Solidarity to all first nations people this week.

You can follow @rosskenna352319.
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