Quality site design, public realm design, #VisionZero, connectivity to transit & n’borhood amenities, and minimal parking supply are the most important aspects of a project to DDOT. The traffic analysis (i.e. intsctn congestion) has been demoted to #9 (most cities it’s still #1).
There are so many good reasons to provide minimal off-street parking and appropriately price the amnt of parking you do have (especially near transit)... check out the graphic on the right, isn’t the bldg on the bottom so much better?
These are our DDOT preferred max parking ratios, based on the DC Comp Plan’s 75% non auto modeshare goal (higher near Metro stations). They fit nicely w/in the 2016 Zoning Regs mins and maxes.

Mitigation is required for higher parking ratios to offset induced demand for driving.
The District has excellent Metrorail, Priority Metrobus, and Streetcar coverage so we look for most projects to have reduced parking.
This is our checklist of #VisionZero upgrades that we look for developers to implement on every project (off-site ones are limited to projects w/ “impacts”).

ANC Commissioners out there, you can ask for some of these in your Community Benefits & Amenities Package!
We repurposed our level of service (LOS) analysis to leverage non-auto improvements. In this is example, a recent project failed both parking max and intersection LOS tests, so we negotiated a multi-modal package of improvements. **None were auto-oriented**
We created a waiver from conducting a transpo study to make it easier for transit-oriented infill dvlpmnt to get through zoning... so long as it is w/in 0.5 mile of Metrorail, has little parking, has a TDM Plan, ensures complete ped network, and provides 2+ EV charging stations
We made our mitigation asks a bit clearer. If you provide little parking and have little traffic impacts, then a TDM Plan is all we need. If you have traffic impacts and/or high parking then we need a multimodal mitigation package. Note this chart is intended for 500 GSF or less.
Within DDOT public space, we ❤️ when developers activate the street with 1) artwork (do it!), 2) fill the tenant & furniture zones w/patio seating, and 3) put a #streatery or #parklet in the parking lane!
We also love when developers close 1960/70s channelized right-turn lanes. Lots have been removed the last 5 years and more to come (Arena Stage 6th & M SW).

This slows traffic that would’ve whipped around the corner unimpeded and shortens the crossing distance for pedestrians.
back to parking... I love this example b/c it shows how you could fit more housing onto the same property if you’re not required to provide parking and a driveway. The cost of each unit could be substantially less.
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