I am hearing from law students who are struggling. 1Ls disappointed with their first set of grades. 2Ls and 3Ls tired and stressed and feeling pressure to take on more.

I wish I could hug all of you and tell you not to let any of this define you. /1
Law school is a narrow echo chamber built on a scarcity mindset. Try to find ways to get outside of that echo chamber. The practice of law is full of so many opportunities, I could spend my entire career trying new things and never exhaust them all.

Abundance, not scarcity! /2
I wish we as lawyers did a better job sharing our paths and law school experiences to show first hand the abundance this profession offers. Here was my path:

First gen college grad who wasn't at all sure law school was the right path for me /3

At law school I didn't do a journal, apply for law review, or apply for a clerkship. I went to one office hour one time and asked one question and never went back. I spent all my spare time at the local legal aid office my first year and a local asylum shelter after that. /4
I doubt a single person in my class would have picked me as someone "on the path" to be a clinical law professor or an associate dean.

My first job out of law school was with a law firm. I spent a year there./5
I taught at 3 law schools before @UMichLaw. I am an expert on human trafficking law and I didn't even know about that subject until after I graduated.

I am glad my actual career wasn't limited by the narrow understanding I had about the profession in law school. /6
I love being a lawyer.

In my legal career I have made deep and wonderful friendships (some even from law school @katylockerindet @LumenMulligan )

I have been honored to represent my clients and teach my students. /7
I have sat across from so many struggling students, so many who thought there wasn't a place for them after law school because they weren't succeeding in law school.

I wish you could see this process from my vantage point.
They are doing well. They are flourishing. /8
I wish I could sit across from each of you right now and tell you what I told them.

Use law school to stock up your toolbox for the years ahead. There are more options than you could ever imagine to have a happy and fulfilled career in the law.

Law school does not define you
I love this @EYAlbright https://twitter.com/EYAlbright/status/1353505320744726529?s=20
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