I wrote a short thread on being a racial minority within math academia. I didn’t propose any changes to the status quo or solutions. Just pointed out why I think race is an issue in the context of my experiences. Here are some of the EXTREMELY racist responses I got back. 👇🏾
It’s funny because a lot of the responses say it’s not about race and accuse me of forcing race into the conversation. Meanwhile, many of those rather naive comments are located right next to insanely racist crap like this...
This one came close to calling me the N word but chickened out at the last moment. (I’m not American or African!Nobody has even metaphorically come close to “giving” me any of these things.)
This one managed to get the word out. He added quotations but I don’t think it was the brilliant get out of jail free card he seems to think it is. Also I guess he thinks I can’t count.
This one is basically saying it would be best if I go back to Africa.
This one was so proud of calling me a “black piece of shit” that he actually said it as a comment as well as a quote-tweet.
I think the idea is apparently this is how all black people talk. We can’t even pronounce “math” correctly because we struggle with the “th” sounds.
I had to look this one up. “Buck-breaking” is apparently the practice of raping a black male slave in order to break his spirit. This person feels I’m a victim of this I guess. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Cope as in “coping mechanism” is incel slang for psychological strategies for dealing with the existential dread of accepting one will always be an inferior mating option for women. I think this guy is saying this tweet is my way of coping with being inferior to whites.
This guy thinks I’m a monkey. Bro. I’m at the very least an ape. I’m an ape using a smartphone. That’s pretty damn impressive!
This is referencing that black people were valued at 3/5ths of a person in the original US constitution for some reason.
This guy thought it was important to let me know about the dangers of something called the “BLM” movement (???) whatever that is. Good looking out, bro!
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