2/n The document is exactly what it says, and then some. It includes 10 main points, such as:

Appeal on your responsibility to others...
3/n Tailoring...each of us will be affected and persuaded by different things...
4/n Social approval...AKA virtue signalling. You know those people: ''Look, how good we are following rules and saving lives.''
5/n Social disapproval...because they know, that for many of us it is important, how we look in the eyes of others. Yes, that ''granny killer'' is just one of the examples.
6/n Bribes...ehm, reimbursements. They knew right from the beginning that these measures will have a significantly higher impact on those already economically vulnerable. And yes, furlough is a bribe. Why would people complain, when they're getting paid for sitting home?
7/n And finally the one we are interested in...PERCEIVED THREAT
To clear any doubts, let's see the definition of this term for health messaging.
8/n It clearly states: ''Some do not feel sufficiently threatened...The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging''...sit back and let that properly sink in. Now try and remember all those ads.
9/n Reminder of few older examples. One implied potentially killer coffee, another implied being out in park makes you likely to catch #COVID and one, where just going out means you will kill people. All quite clearly inducing fear. @ASA_UK is now assessing complains about these
11/n On 22nd January, press release at https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-hard-hitting-national-tv-ad-urges-the-nation-to-stay-at-home informed about new hard-hitting campaign. The old one wasn't enough, huh?

Everything is about blame, shame, fear. This is simply not, how you treat adults.
12/12 There is no particular info, these ads are clearly inducing fear, blame ordinary people and dividing nation. There is nothing informative about that. And if you are calling people ''granny killer, covidiots, selfish and ignorant'', you've been played, so wake the f* up!
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