Lots of haters on this post but I kind of like it and actually wish Greenwald would more frequently clarify that he’s a single-issue guy for whom Trump’s slightly-greater-than-Obama tensions with the defense & Intel establishment are more important than anything else. https://twitter.com/ryanlcooper/status/1353439841535590400
My biggest problem with Greenwald politically is that most of the time he doesn’t own up to the fact that this is where he’s coming from — he just doesn’t care at all about the issues that motivate the vast majority of people — and that’s why he reaches different evaluations.
Instead he paints everyone disagreeing with him as some form of corruption, when it’s pretty obvious just that he has an idiosyncratic set of priorities — perhaps influenced by the fact that he literally does not live in this country.
When I comment on states that I don’t live in, all I care about are my housing and transportation bugaboos.

In DC where I live and pay taxes, I’m really interested in like schools and taxes and does the garbage get picked up and assessments and blah blah normie stuff.
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