This dehumanising language about women (& it is ONLY about women) needs to stop. Specifically, men need to stand up & start saying this crap needs to stop. As a group, men need to start being honest about why so many of us refuse to say anything. It's just cowardice, isn't it? 1/
Put twitter down for a moment & call your mother. Tell her in 2021 she'd no longer be your mother, she'd be an ovulator / menstruator that became a birthing body, and then your 'lactating individual'. Tell her you know this is wrong but you say nothing because you're a coward 2/
Call your sister. Explain to her that she's not a full human being that happens to be female, a woman. She's simply a uterus bearer or a fronthole owner. Explain that you know this is dehumanising but you say nothing because you're a coward 3/
Talk to your your daughter. Tell her you love her & are proud of her. Now tell her she won't grow up to become a strong woman but will become a strong vulva owner. Go on, TELL HER. Tell her you can't say anything about this linguistic insanity because you're a fucking coward 4/
You don't need to take a position on trans issues. Women will win that argument by themselves. Our help is not essential there though sensible male voices do help. We should, however, take a position on defending women, female human beings, saying perfectly reasonable things 5/
Female human beings, women, definitely exist. They are getting monstered for acknowledging this fact & organising on that basis. Most men can see this but say nothing. This is, imo, a disgrace & we have a moral obligation to oppose the outrageous & ongoing bullying of women /6
Saying female human beings, women, exist & have distinct needs that sometimes exclude male humans is not controversial. Being a man opposed to male people bullying women isn't controversial. A small number of very loud transactivists give the illusion of it being controversial 7/
IT IS NOT. If sane men stood up & faced the bullies this nonsense would be over. We could have a sensible conversation about this stuff. The longer we cower, & hope it goes away, the harder it will get. It won't go away. Men need to stop being scared, stand up & say something /8
It's complicated, I know, because many (mainly young) women go along with the lunacy. That is, imo, something women will need to eventually sort out amongst themselves. We should just stick to talking about the obvious truth /9
The truth is you only exist cos you were gestated & birthed by a female human being, a woman. You, a male human being (a man) only exist cos your mother was a female human being (a woman). This has fuck all to do with how anyone identifies /10
If, like me, you have women & girls in your life that you love, who have shaped your existence & that you'd do anything for, then you need to grow a spine, immediately, and stand up and say something /11
There is a difference between right & wrong. You know damn well this crap is wrong. Be honest. PLEASE. At the very fucking least, please start pretending to have a shred of moral integrity /12
I will never refer to my mother as my lactating individual, nor will I ever refer to my sister as a uterus bearer. Hell will fucking freeze over before I ever, ever refer to my daughters as vulva owners. I refuse to participate & no one can make me. They can't make you either /13
They're women, female human beings equal to us, who deserve words to collectively describe themselves & to organise politically on that basis. This is still a mainstream opinion but only while people are not too scared to voice it. If we cower, it will be lost. Stop cowering /end
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