Heads up to the @GavinNewsom administration: if the Sacramento region goes back to shut-down rules on Monday, as this release suggests and 12 days after lifting the order, the public really deserves to see the four-week projection on which the recent lifting was based.
The state ICU availability data has consistently showed the capital region below the 15% threshold which triggers open/close of business sectors like outdoor dining & fitness and hair salons. But as some press colleagues have reported recently, there’s been little data revealed.
CDPH notes “a region” could move back to stay-home, but that’s Sacramento — the only region allowed to exit since rules took effect in Dec. It landed in my in-box right before my kid’s first haircut in 3+ months.
And so the question, I think, will be this: if ICU bed availability is so fluid as to not meet a projection less than 2 weeks old, why should the state tie it to the operations of businesses that can’t stop/start on a dime? And how do we keep public from major confusion? -30-
Important epilogue: today is not first day CDPH has hinted stay-home orders are being "finalized" for what appears to be Sacramento region, and I should've noted that. Nonetheless, enormous efforts local bizs have made in outdoor operations, etc. hinge on clarity and trust.
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