I've seen people talking about zip tie guy's arsenal. I'm not sure folks realize that his cache can be on the low end of normal for many people embedded in gun culture, including those who are just hunters or collectors and don't see themselves as militia members whatsoever.
When I asked interviewees nearly a decade ago how many firearms they had in their house, the median number was 3 **per person in their household,** meaning that a family of 4 likely had 12 guns,
And keeping in mind it was usually just one family member who really participated and/or collected

Also keeping in mind that this was before many people invested in more in the later years of the Obama era or in more recent months in response to what they saw as civil unrest.
Make of that what you will.
Addendum: despite some claims to the contrary, we really do not have truly great estimates of overall firearms ownership in the US. Not only because of private sales but also because of usually-trail-less inheritance and other factors,
including how past estimates often relied solely on FBI background check numbers, which were not required for a variety of purchases; and how people probably lie on most large research questionnaires about ownership for a variety of reasons.
Realistically, my numbers above probably underestimate what the folks I was talking to actually had at the time

Clearly, there are "super" gun owners, and believing they are all militia members are "rednecks" or necessarily extremists is a mistake
Sidenote 1:
Please be careful with the word "redneck." I get it, but as a native, rural Southerner whose father didn't have running water in his house until he was a teenager, I acutely know it's a complicated and fraught term with accuracy issues here.
Sidenote 2:
Not my area, but some colleagues also believe that Black gun owners in particular may not acknowledge that they are for reasons of both safety and social perceptions. We need to do Much more work (and listening) here on how they fit into this general landscape.
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