Elusive Samurai, I really like this premise! The meta emphasis on how our character is barely denoted but makes a perfect fit for the shonen Hero world is really neat! I love the way the story uses the fact it's historical and a manga to an extent to sell itself effectively
Only thing I wasn't too hot on was Yorishige who seemed uncharismatically eccentric to the extent I was more hoping they'd mellow out with each passing page. Cause when he is a bit more chill he's pretty fun and interesting like how he pushes Tokiyuki off the cliff.
MHA, this moment with Shoko deciding to denote Toya as his darker half almost like Endeavor's indictment of High end as himself from a past or future, it's interesting to see the Todoroki's follow this line where very small circumstances can skew them like this.
Dr.Stone, This chapter was actually really nice! It's a pretty basic set up for Dr.stone but the sentiment of having the other science brigade handle it is a fun twist and really sells the messages of what science is about and what's great about it. Really liked it!
Jujutsu Kaisen, I actually liked Yuki's more formal introduction and a philosophy of removing Cursed Energy. Avoiding conflict and the like that it brings. The strengths in how she's conscious of the wider world is a really interesting note and showing why JJK is so Japan Focused
Onnnn The other hand the sudden expulsion of twists that we're just told the Brain did left me surprised sure but not justifiably so. Like the sudden creation of a Thousand Strengthened Vessels raises a lot of questions and very few answers. Gonna need to sit on this.
Black Clover, Erm, okay I guess it's twist time. This twist feels genuinely undeserved especially since really usurps the Dark Triad of a main villain role almost immediately. I was liking this arc but it's getting a bit discombobulated for my tastes.
MASHLE, is just now having a Tournament arc? Alright this is pretty interesting, you'd think a series would have this sort of set up ages ago but waiting to have the setting developed for the political and symbolic potential for this arc? NGL I'm pretty excited. High hopes!
Magu-chan, been waiting on this for a while. I knew the conflict of the gods becoming more peaceful would clash with Izuma's world views and I like how his doubt has progressed in a new direction! Seeing him progress as a secondary character is refreshing!
Sakamoto days, Really enjoyable choreography! The paneling took a hit but the set pieces and choreography with a blinded Shin using his thought reading to fight was great and I like how it ended with him showing his absolute (Blind?) trust in Sakamoto. Good stuff this week!
Ayakashi Triangle, Was nice to get more explicit motivations for Garaku and Shirogane as he wishes to attain his former status (As well as learning regrets he had about his life before) It's basic but it's still enough to keep me satiated till the next romance fix.
Yozakura Family, YOZAKURA FRONTLINES IS A GO AND IT'S OFF TO AN AMAZING START!! I love how Tanpopo is further characterized as a makeshift group of barely like minded people, yet they operate efficiently. That and seeing the Family as the full initiators is great! Love this manga
Undead Unluck, I do like this double down that Negators by nature suffer by being exempt from the rules. It's not a freedom more than it is an exclusion. I feel this contests a bit with the idea Negators control Negation like Andy said but I do like them staying attached to-
Negators for ever lacking any true agency. Which still works in the context cause Andy can never die or love someone who will survive for how ever long he does. At least till Fuuko came to be and brought a change. Which is also what the entire world needed! Overall interesting ch
Phantom Seer, Kanzaki being one of many Conceiving hands and Iori having the ambition to change the world more. I really liked this step forward of him wanting to create a world t hat's no longer disrupted by Senju. It adds layers to what could otherwise be petty revenge.
Okay but for real we're just gonna immediately go back on the exposition of Vampiric beasts just to have this moral of sharing even despite past relationships for the sake of saving others from suffering. It's just so undercooked and rushed. Sorry OBO, you died on first impact.
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