Why is Legend of Heroes (Kiseki) series such a good series – a thread
»»————- Extremely detailed and mature history ————-««
»»—- Each hero's past matters —-««
Both in the case of "big" threads (eg Joshua's or Rutger's), and in the characters' references to each other (Jusis-Machias or Laura-Fie). It very often emerges at completely unexpected moments, bringing interesting surprises and experiences.
»»————- Nothing is black and white ————-««
»» Heroes are limited by laws, dependencies and relationships ««
Whether they're bracers, students or the soldiers themselves - they comply with orders or are subordinate to the laws of either country or organization. It often feel frustrating, but it's logical at the same time
»»————- Ingeniously written antagonists ————-««
»»——- Characters from previous games return to the plot ——-««
»»————- Games don't reveal everything right away ————-««
» A huge amount of secrets related more or less indirectly with events «
»»————- Breaks between important events ————-««
»»—- The world is not just a pattern or background, it is alive —-««
»»—- The amount of humor that feels authentic and natural —-««
»»————- Sidequests that aren't just fillers ————-««
»»————- PETS ————-««
How do you refuse to love Celine? How to ignore Coppe's existence? How to forget the role of Antoine? How not to love the great Zeit? How to ignore Cerberus, who can run the store all by himself?
Am I right or am I right?
Big + for Kitty-Talk for Dummies!
»»————- Lenght ————-««
Really, nothing hurts as much as becoming close to the characters in order to have to part with them too soon cause of too short storyline. Kiseki doesn't have this problem, having 11 till now.
Let’s look at the times posted on the HowLongToBeat portal:
»»————- Technology & magic interpenetrate ————-««
Existence of Orbments bears the characteristics of both. The mysterious powers of heroes, the existence of Sept-Terrions, witches, animism, ancient civilizations - and on the other hand, tanks, cruisers, panzer soldats, cannons.
»»—- The series shows the actual development of the world —-««
»»—- A great number of non-obvious monsters —-««
Unusual creatures, such as living tomatoes or crazy sheep make a smile on the face and are something fresh among typical spiders. From machines, demons and ghosts to a kaleidoscope of beasts and my favorite: Shining Poms.
»»————- Combat mechanics ————-««
»»—- Graphic changes and more and more realistic effects —-««
Not only the rapid change between Ao/Zero and ToCS, but also between the first and third parts of the latter. The effects are realistic - eg frozen character freezes in a post-hit position.
Fie ss by @Vaisu_Kaguya
»»——- Great fun for explorers and trophy hunters ——-««
Lots of places to check out and lots of collections to… well, collect. Books, recipes, heroes profiles, fishing - sometimes collecting them is even rewarded. And let's not forget about the achievements!
»» The fact that grinding is not necessary to complete individual games ««
While they provide opportunities - especially if you want to experiment with builds - there's no need for powerleveling or farming sepith to complete the games on normal difficulty.
»»————- No bugs!  ————-««
Really, it's a HUGE advantage these days. Throughout all in-game hours, I didn't encounter any problems that prevented me from completing games. The only bugs I encountered were minor graphic bugs, e.g. hair going through the clothes in some places.
»» Amazing OSTs ««
You only need to take a moment to appreciate the great work of the composers. Battle music, tracks for individual cities are remembered for a long time. My heart is still taken by The Whereabouts of Light...
Additionally, I can't help but mention the great openings starting the games. Great, catchy music accompanies even more wonderful animation. Check this openings compilations:
»»—- Joshua best girl —-««
I know. But I just can't stop loving this. Replaying these parts is my guilty pleasure.
Not wanting to spoil too much, I will leave just a few graphics regarding situations in which Joshua does the crossing. And THIS IS REAL, THIS IS INSIDE A GAME.
»»————- Heroes ————-««
And this is only a fraction of all the characters that we can meet during the game...
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