since it seems to be coming up again: no, allies SHOULDN'T use the LGBTQIAP+ tag.

We've said this countless times.
No amount of 'meaning well' changes the fact that 99% of the time, queer people browsing the tag are looking for other queer people.
Yes, there ARE some of you that are not LGBTQIAP+ who use the tag who are dope, welcoming, and frankly safe. We adore you!

This status is also NOT ABOUT YOU.
So don't come in trying to explain down to me how 'it's OK actually'-it is NOT.
When I search that tag, I'm not looking specifically for an ally-being an ally is the bare-minimum. Full stop.

Using the LGBTQIAP+ tag to announce you mean well is just that: announcing you mean well. It clogs up our capabilities to find each other.
This is the exact same reason why trans people want a trans tag: because they want to find FELLOW TRANS STREAMERS. Not just LGBTQIAP+ (because if we're keeping it real, some of our spaces aren't safe for them, thus).
Being an ally to the queer community is a bare minimum ask. You don't need a tag to showcase that you are a decent person. That should be the default.
Another example: I don't use the cooking tag on my streams just because 'well I have chef friends, and I want everyone who cooks to feel welcome in my space'-it doesn't make sense. Am I chef? Am I a cooking focused stream/streamer?
Oh I'm not? I'm just a bitch that bakes once every 3 months on cam?

Sounds like I shouldn't be using the cooking tag then! Since it is NOT INDICATIVE OF WHAT THE STREAM IS ABOUT OR WHO I AM AS A STREAMER. I use it ONLY when it applies to me stream at that moment.
but I don't say 'because I baked once and I know like, 4 pro level chefs, ergo I get to use the tags to describe their streams and attract viewers who are interested in cooking-which I'm not doing, but I like it!'
It also perpetuates THIS SHIT:
"but the Twitch description says ally, so it's fine!"

Twitch has also come forward numerous times and said they've missed the mark on things, and not to be a Grumpy Grouch but this is the same platform that made a BLM vod with all white people and said the G is for gamer.
so are we *really* going to lean into being *so dense* about how this works? Truly?

Stop it.
No there doesn't need to be an ally tag, either.

For all of that just ask Twitch for a 'decent fucking person' tag.
Other "effective" versions in the same bucket as 'ally':

-Not A Bigot tag
-Not A Homphobe tag
-Loves Black People tag
-Disabled Friendo tag

^ that's what y'all sound like.
So if you think the above mock list sounds plenty ridiculous, just remap your brain to say 'but these all are saying the same thing as an 'ally' tag on the low key.'
'but Vanessa, that's GATEKEEPY'-girl what?

Ensuring that the space that we've secured for ourselves after being forced out generally by cishet people isn't thusly overan by cishet people who 'mean well' isn't gatekeepy????
Like do y'all tell POC their spaces can't be complete without at least one white person?
Or disabled people they MUST have an abled bodied person to 'count'?
Do you tell ND people 'but if you don't have someone NT there it isn't fair?'

Can we please not do this every 6 months?
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