Why a jinn may enter a body 🧵
according to Shaykhul Islam Ibn Tasmiyyah (R), there are three ways a jinn can enter your body:
1. The Jinni doesn't like you. Jinns are just like humans. They have the freedom of choice in every matter, no matter if it’s a sin or unjust towards others. So it is possible that they just wouldn’t like your face and hence possess you.
2. The Jinni is in love with you. The Jinn might actually fall in love with you. While watching you naked, they get lustful thus possessing your body because that is the only way they can get you. This is why you should recite Bismillah before you take off your clothes.
3. Unintentionally, you may have inflicted harm upon the Jinn. Since we can't see Jinns through their eyes, one might get harmed because of us and we do not even realize it...
... For example, if we pour hot water all around the floor, unaware that the Jinn is out there. Vengeance can cause Jinns to harm you by possessing your body. This too can be undone by reciting Bismillah before doing anything.
Apart from all these reasons, Jinns cannot just enter your body like that. There are four more conditions where you become more easily accessible to such supernatural entities. These 4 conditions are:
1. When you’re excessively angry. You should recite Tauz more often in that case. If you are sat down, stand up and if you are standing sit down.

2. When you are excessively fearful. It makes you more vulnerable.
3. When you do not pay much attention to matters. Excessive heedlessness makes you accessible to Jinns.

4. When you are too much lustful, especially while you’re watching intimate scenes or pornography.
These are the aspects that we need to be careful of if we want to stay protected and safe from such entities and their terror. May we all stay safe and with the blessings of Allah SWT always.
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