SARS-CoV-2 immunity-escape variants

Concerns have been raised about the possible emergence of new variants that could escape the immunity induced by the vaccines. Here's a look at the recent SAGE document.
The identification of 2 new variants (B.1.1.7 in UK & B.1.351 in South Africa) with increased transmission & mutations in the Spike protein raises the theoretical risk of other variants eventually achieving "immune escape" from the current vaccines
SARS-CoV-2 accumulates 1-2 mutation per month, which is relatively slow for an RNA virus because has proofreading capacity (can correct its own mistakes). But it's a global infection so many ppl are infected so many chances for new variants to arise. 3/10
Other concerns regarding immune escape include high community prevalence of variant B.1.1.7 and the difficult decision to delay 2nd vaccine dose to 12 weeks rather than 3 weeks
This has also been seen in an immunocompromised individual with persistent infection who was treated with convalescent plasma
Both vaccines in UK give higher antibody titres after 2nd doses, so theoretical risk of more viral replication after 1 dose than 2 in the short-term But in medium term, risk may be lower since delaying the 2nd Oxf vaccine dose to 12wk gave rise to 3-fold higher antibodies
Level of antibodies after 1 dose are in range of natural infection. So 1 dose doesn't generate a new risk compared to natural infections. Risk delayed 2nd dose might generate escape mutant has to be weighed against benefits of doubling rate of vaccinating vulnerable groups
Monitoring is key. Sequencing will determine if new clusters occur during vaccine roll out. More intense study of vaccine recipients in immunosuppressed groups is planned
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