[THREAD] Here it is - the moment everybody has been waiting for - the (non-)official top 10 @HollandsPies based on treats the company sent to me for #NationalPieDay

Let's go 👇
LAST PLACE - Cornish Pasty

While this classic was tasty and had a decent amount of filling, the texture was off, the appearance was slightly offputting and the smell was not great.
8TH PLACE - Cheese & Veg Pie

This pie is a decent attempt by @HollandsPies to bring quality veggie pastries to the market, but it didn't quite work.

The smell was chemically and the taste was nothing special.

However, as always they pack in a generous portion of the stuff.
7TH PLACE: Cheese & Onion Pie

Once again @HollandsPies fills this pastry generously, but the flavour and smell (I think of the cheese) was not up to scratch.
6TH PLACE: Veggie Mince & Gravy Pie

This pie suffered from the same underwhelming effect as much of @HollandsPies veggie selection.

We could tell it was vegetarian mince and while it tasted fine it was nothing to write home about.

Filling and appearance were great, though!
5TH PLACE: Mince & Onion Pie

This delicious pastry could never rank poorly, but it could never reach the top either.

A delightful smell hits you when you cut through the pie.

We'd label this the 'school dinners' of pie - it tastes good and smells great, but is nothing special.
4TH PLACE: Steak & Kidney Pudding

This fully-packed classic was truly enjoyable - tastes and smells fantastic.

The only real criticism is its appearance - extremely depressing looking. So do most meals I cook - it's only that which really holds back this treat from the top 3.
3RD PLACE: Meat & Potato Pie

A classic that was (once again) filled generously with its delicious meat/tatties combo.

Nothing much holds this pie back from taking first place in a future contest - just it's smell (that can't much be helped).
JOINT 2ND: Steak & Kidney Pie

This always satisfying pastry treat did not disappoint, with a healthy portion of its delicious filling and marvellous meaty texture.

This @HollandsPies classic is something to be proud of and came very close to come first.
JOINT 2ND: Chicken & Mushroom Pie

This tasty delight is another of @HollandsPies classics and, while I didn't expect it to come this close to the top, we're glad it did.

From its spectacular flavour to its wholesome smell, it is truly great.
WINNER: Steak Pie

In first place, this (not so little) pastry of pure joy has beaten the lot to come first place.

It is looks great, smells great, tastes great - and there's loads of it. One of the most satisfying pies I have had in a long time and will remain a true favourite.
HONORABLE MENTION: The humble yet incredible Meat Pie. A favourite of mine didn't make it into this competition, but (as reminded by @PhilTay84554482) this @HollandsPies classic should be put in a barm to enjoy by all - if you haven't, do it!
Thanks for reading and thanks again to @HollandsPies - I hope we weren't too harsh and fingers crossed I get to do this on #NationalPieDay again next year đź‘€
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