Real #ADHDlife

💥Pro Tips💥

Your Inner-Critic

Two Simple Practices

Part 1

🧵 by @ThinckFinck

#gratitude #selflove

How many of us ADHD Adults strive so hard & want to:

Sleep better?

Eat better?

Exercise more consistently?

Show up on time more often?

Feel more in control of our emotions & finances?

Find our direction in life,
Live authentically, &
Live life freely on our own terms?
Damn, that would be amazing!

Am I right?

Yet we have this seemingly invincible
Who sees all our inconsistencies & mistakes.

And no matter how much we succeed,
No matter how much we improve,

All it sees is abject failure:
I'm a screw up.
I'm worthless.
I can't!
With all the challenges ADHD brings, how can we possibly overcome all of this?!

How can I stop screwing up all the time?

How can I (mostly) consistently show up in exactly the ways I want to?

How do I find my path to live authentically & freely on my own terms?
It seems impossible!

I'm here to let you know that it's not.

I'm here to tell you something you likely already know, & yet struggle to believe.

That inner-critic?

It's full of shit.

And you don't have to live under its tyranny.

You don't have to put up with its abuse.
You know what shit is good for?


It makes the best soil for growth. I kid you not!

We just need to plant & cultivate the right seeds.

Seeds that can eat that shit for breakfast, lunch, & dinner, and transform it into clean air, medicinal plants & gourmet food!
Until we re-train this inner-critic, it doesn't matter how much we succeed.

It doesn't matter how much we accomplish.

It doesn't matter how much others recognize & appreciate us.

Without re-training, the inner-critic sabotages every effort we make, & every win we acheive.
The first step to tackling all of our inner-critic & ADHD challenges begins with teaching our minds, bodies, & hearts to experience the good things in life, without poisoning the well.

Our inner-critic can't be allowed to steal the wonder, beauty, & goodness from our life.
In 2017, my first coach, @djfryer, taught me what seeds to plant.

How to plant them.

How to care for them & cultivate them.

To this day, these first two seeds have been the most valuable things I ever learned to plant & cultivate.

No contest.
These seeds aren't cool.
They're not sexy.
They don't seem exciting on the surface.

At least not until you practice long enough for the seeds to germinate & sprout
(time varies from person to person)

Yet, they're the foundation for any real & lasting transformational growth
The only things powerful enough
to transform our relationship with our inner-critic
from Self-Destruction 💣
to Invigorating & Life-generating🌻

Enough of the hype already!

Except it's not just hype!
It's true!
And science backs this up!

🌱 #gratitude
🌱 #compassion
I'll link to more resources on the science & other exercises at the end.

For now, I'll relate the basic practices I began with.

First came practicing GRATITUDE.

GRATITUDE: The Practice

First thing every morning (before getting out of bed, if possible), take a few moments to feel grateful for something.

Begin with just 20 or 30 seconds of feeling grateful.
The feeling of gratitude can be for literally ANYTHING!

•A memory of something
•An experience
•A person
•A sensation

Literally ANYthing.

Do this for 40 consecutive days.
Or at the bare minimum 2 weeks.
Gradually work your way to indefinitely.
Each week, try doing this for a few seconds or minutes longer.

Just do it however long you can, for any length of time.

The longer you can sustain that feeling of gratitude, the more beneficial the outcomes.

Just do it.

Start with once-per-day.
The power & change come from taking the time to feel the gratitude.

Go pee or whatever, if you need to first. But practice as early as possible upon waking.

If you miss a day, don't sweat it.

Just #BeginAgain the next day

Then keep going.

No need to reset any counters.
The numbers aren't the point.

The numbers are never the point.

The point is the practice itself.

The longer you persist the more benefit you'll see.

The numbers simply provide a way to teach our awareness & attention what to notice.

To say "This is important".
As we persistently train our attention & awareness towards feeling grateful
& noticing the beneficial changes every 6 weeks or so,
We're gradually training and reinforcing neural & emotional pathways to default to Gratitude:
One of the most quietly powerful human experiences.
If you can't feel gratitude some days, that's okay too.

This is not an exercise to use to beat yourself up.
It's not something you HAVE to do.

It feels good.

It's playful.

You can make it fun!

Feel free to find a way to make it fun! That will only amplify the effects.
Team up with someone.

Share one of them online everyday.

Whatever works for you to help you PERSIST, & ENJOY the practice.

If you want to track how much you change?

On the day before you start, take note of how you see your life.
After 40 days, take note of how you see your life again.

Then return to your first note & compare how you felt & saw the world.

It's amazing!

You can also keep a journal of gratitudes in between.
Short & sweet:

"I am grateful for..."


"I am grateful to..." [person]

A gratitude journal can be

•a WONDERFUL reference,

•a great way to deepen & amplify the practice

•a saving grace when you're having a really rough day
I really want to see others benefit from this.

So, beginning Monday, Jan 25, 2021, I'm going to start sharing at least one of my gratitudes every day for 40 days here on Twitter with the hashtag


I'd love to have you join me!

Here's an example post:
Let's make this a game.

If this is your kind of thing,

Tag at least one other person you'd like to join you & help you stay persistent.


Will you join me in #40DaysOfGratitude?
(see above)
Day 0

I am grateful
TO my current Mentor Coach @rogerdewitt
FOR the email he sent me, just as I had begun writing this thread.

To wrap up,

I'll leave you with some resources on #Gratitude.

•The science behind it

•Other ways you can develop a regular practice, & make it your own.

Please feel free to share how you practice gratitude in the comments!

Others may benefit from your ways!
You can follow @ThinckFinck.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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