We need more common good thinking.

It really is that simple.
The “left v right” political thinking does more harm than good & allows for false comparisons between those who espouse fascism & racism to those who want robust health care, education, equitable taxation systems, etc as “socialists = dictatorships”.

It’s dishonest & dangerous.
If you can link every “bad trait” you can think of with a group of people, if you can “other them” as much as possible, then you can dehumanize them.

Don’t know about you, but I think that way of thinking can lead to some pretty terrible results.
And “centrists” exacerbate this by creating a false narrative of extremists vs middle ground. This is again, a story. It may not have anything to do with reality because we don’t think in purely linear terms. It’s not how our minds work, it’s not how history or ecosystems work.
If we are going to create a spectrum it should be on the Common Good.

The Common Good being: how do we increase the well being of as many people as possible while leaving no one behind?

That’s not too complicated right?

If we follow those threads we make different choices.
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