Been taking a look at Charlie Frye's offense at Central Michigan. Think we've got to keep in mind there were aspects of Gailey's eclectic, mutable approach that Brian Flores appreciated, and I see that in the Chippewa offense. But I also see a LOT of tempo, some formation shifts.
Must keep in mind, this won't be Frye's offense. Will be someone else's. You're looking for aspects of the Chippewa offense that show what Frye was teaching the QBs. To that end, I see tempo. I see formation shifts to better ID the defense. I see QB movement away from pressure.
But the emphasis on Tempo only reaffirms for me what I had been saying the last two months of the regular season, which is that it looks to me as if Tempo is a source of schism for Brian Flores and Chan Gailey.
Charlie Frye was nominated for the Broyles Award in 2019, given to the nation's best assistant coach. Eventually the award went to Joe Brady, of course. But the offensive turnaround for the Chippewas from 2018 to 2019 was that drastic.
Jim McElwain brought Charlie Frye on as a "life skills" coach at Florida. He made an impression on players. There are very likely lots of former Gators that went thru Florida from 2016 to 2017 who think highly of Frye, like Austin Appleby, who is now a WR Coach at Missouri State.
The "personnel-based" offense espoused by Frye probably best exemplified by all the Wildcat they used in 202. Planned starter at QB David Moore failed to get a ruling from the NCAA on his eligibility and couldn't play. Chippewas had a bunch of play-makers but inexperienced QBs.
Many coaches will say their approach is based on personnel. They always claim they're going to use their players' strengths. But it remains a fact there is a dividing line between coaches who truly build out the playbook off personnel, and the more dogmatic systems.
Chan Gailey was a personnel-based guy. It's part of what attracted Flores to him. I think Flores will always be attracted to that, as it's what he was around in New England. Frye's approach in Central Michigan could be suggestive, that way.
Honestly, and I know this is a "Yeah, whatever" thing to say, but my gut feeling tells me that the Charlie Frye hire might actually point toward a Matt Canada. There's a compatibility here.
Two things you worry about with a Canada are flight risk and combustibility. He flits from team to team for a reason. Lining up Frye as potential successor seems like a nice way to mitigate that. But you could also say that about future HC candidates like Getsy & Dorsey.
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