So we watched #ItsASin, all of it, don’t worry, no spoilers!

It’s so incredibly powerful. Made me laugh at times, and cry more.

I’ve lived with HIV for 16 years.

I was fortunate to have been diagnosed in a time and part of the world with access to effective treatment.
My 3 tablets before bed keep my HIV undetectable (which also means I can’t pass it on #UequalsU). I’m able to get on with living my life.

Thanks to modern treatment and brilliant care from the NHS, I’m hoping I’ll live as long as anyone else.
Treatment was a game-changer against HIV. Finally, the NHS provides #PREP to protect against it too.

BUT the stigma and discrimination so vividly portrayed in #ItsASin is still very much here. It wrecks lives and delays testing & treatment.

To end #HIV we must end the stigma.
You can follow @lukecrmallett.
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