Calling for unity then continuing to act and sound like petulant children is contradictory. YOU and the majority of GOP members, under your rule, are emotionally immature & suffering from Peter Pan Syndrome. As a voting citizen, I'm telling you this is unacceptable in
Government. Grow up, learn adulting skills & leave the crying, blaming, pouting, lieing, namecalling, impulsivity, need for attention, bullying, primitive defense mechanisms and attacking to the CHILDREN. It is sickening to watch Government leaders trying to destroy their
opponents every damn day! Purposely going after others for your own pleasure, being obnoxious or mean just to get a reaction, spreading malicious gossip, back-biting and just being jerks overall is BULLSHIT! Find a way to do your damn job in unison with others and FOR the people
Governing is not about YOU so get over yourselves. When was the last time you said something that you actually MEANT or walked through fear, taking a risk to be rejected? That's what grown-ups do...they tell the truth and they make decisions based on their values.
@GOPLeader You have many members who need a serious reality check and others who need to GO ..... as in BE GONE! Get it together, it's pitiful to watch and sickening to listen to the childish banter day after day after day!!!!!
Signed: Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired Citizen
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