We have intellectuals without the money and status, another advantage for us. Shitposters that can at the same time talk policy and philosophy. Consider in the 80s, you would have had to known people and buy their stupid books from the university press
Now you can download pretty much everything and anything online without a paywall or status gate. It's not Tea Party boomers quoting Glenn Beck books, it's "I just read death of the west and am writing an essay about ww1"
A huge criticism of "Trump supporters" mainly from the mediaand establishment is calling them stupid, the whole rural retard thing. Well what's come from that is a group of people that have based legitimate grounded ideas off of the malleable idea of Trumpism
And it's not just Oren Cass and Malkin, the American Greatness people, paleocon think tanks, etc. It's peepeepoopoogroyper123 giving a treatise on ideal investment in economically depressed former manufacturing areas
A huge criticism from the establishment is that Trump wasn't an ideology, but rather just blowback at the government.

Fire back policy ideas, a fleshed out platform: it scares them, and takes away the illusory advantage of being "intellectuals" and therefore immune to criticism
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