This is fundamentally why it is *class*—not race—that makes any sense when we talk about equality. Class equality means the abolition of all classes and thus no exploitation. Racial equality means the equal rights of races to exploit workers same as the former white owners did.
If I say “I want equality between black and white” without adding a class lens to it then all I am saying is “I want blacks to have access to all the exploiting privileges that the white ruling class has in exploiting workers”. Same with gender or any other identity.
We don’t want equality of exploitation, we want the end to exploitation wholesale. That’s only possible through class equality, the end of a class system. Otherwise all you do is create a system where your oppressors have your face. Doesn’t change anything—many examples globally.
Only class provides a basis from which you can build a movement for all the oppressed against oppression. A movement that does not have class as its base is merely a movement to give one section of a minority access to bourgeois class privileges over its working class section.
It’s a point I make many times, such as here
Ultimately: read Marx, Lenin, Mao, etc, people who understood that we live in a class society, that history is of class struggles, that the only way out of social misery is a whole working class revolution. That’s what the very best black radicals like Fred Hampton understood.
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