My preminced take on the garlic discourse is: folks who insist that you must have Virtuous Ingredients to cook a good meal are often extremely limited cooks who don't understand that transforming food is a creative skill
Like sure I might not eat a spoonful of canned parm powder the same way I would want to eat a chunk off a bazillion dollar wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano, but turns out you can use different ingredients to enhance dishes in different ways ya snooty dorks
I love cooking that highlights the natural flavors of excellent high-quality ingredients. I also love cooking that takes things I don't want to eat and turns them into things I do want to eat, this should not be controversial
Also I'm far from the first person to say this shit but disabled ppl deserve to cook with garlic even when they can't do all that peeling and slicing & poor ppl deserve to cook with garlic even when they don't have reliable access to fresh produce, don't be a fucking doofus
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