Uncapping the House would make House representation more representative.

It would significantly reduce the inequities caused by the Electoral College.

It would make it harder to gerrymander.

And it can be done without a Constitutional amendment.
Right now, every state gets Electoral College votes equal to Number of House Representatives + Number of Senators.

That means that Wyoming get 3 Electoral College votes--or one EC vote for every ~200,000 people--compared to around 1 per ~700,000 people in California.
Under the apportionment in the article above, Wyoming would get 4 electors (one per every 150,000) and California would get 114 (one for ever 346,000). It would still be disproportionate--the EC for Senators guarantees that--but it would be much less so.
The time to uncap the House is IMMEDIATELY, as the Census results are coming in and the House districts will be drawn for the next 10 years.
Petty bonus: It would also make Nate Silver's 538 obsolete, which frankly cannot happen soon enough.
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