are you writing F31 @ER_Mayeda's student applied successfully 🙌🏽
kindly shared some tips w my grantwriting class. #AcademicChatter #epitwitter
here's what she shared:
* Aims page is key - most reviewers will only read that - 3 assigned to read, rest will skim Aims, if that
* send strong draft of Aims to program officer for feedback
* presenting at conferences is relevant for your contributions to the field, include
* sponsor team is important (they are also being evaluated)- if primary sponsor is "junior," make sure other sponsor(s) are senior
* show familiarity w data, e.g. incl table of variables that will b in analysis
* have team members, e.g. postdoc in lab, read drafts
* expect revise several times
* reading feedback on other submitted grants _useful_

[mentors / sponsors - celebrate submission w student🙂]
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