Sunday #TikTokThread time! Follow these folks over there.

Sometimes you gotta ask simple questions with a lot of feeling.
She handled him so effortlessly.
I'm mad for you little man. Get him his "salad"
"I'm SO SO ready" 🥰🥰
He's so proud of himself. I love it.
The cutest. The face at the end.
He just goes through English words he thinks are really cute. But he's the cute one.
"You missed you!" ❤️❤️
The way he pushed her out the way 🤣🤣
They back! Mama still washed them all.
So can I be the gas pedal orrrr...
Another official response from the Council
Wait for it...
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 his face at the end
Aurora said bitch I'm not here for your games - stop playing.
This is my fav new trend RN
Grandma with the beads ❤️❤️
See ya next week 💨💨🌳
You can follow @LeslieMac.
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