Qanon & MAGA Trump Supporters,
are you happy with this result??

"The entire Trump presidency was one continuous pacification operation...

For me, the inescapable conclusion is that we were conned from Day One by a master con artisan."

Let's check his record.

Q - a massive deceptive psyop.

The thing is, whoever the point man in Q was, he was definitely close to the was a well-designed, Soviet-inspired pacification operation with cooperation at the highest-levels.
* No arrests, no indictments, no “swamp drainage”. Literally everybody got away with literally everything.

* Signed emergency order that funded state lockdowns, and never revoked it.

* Signed the CARES Act, an insidious bill that incentivized COVID+ “cases”/deaths
* No DOJ investigation or mention of the Great Nursing Home Massacre of 2020

* Operation: Warp Speed & relentless promotion of untested vaccines.

* Disingenuous defunding of the WHO, redirecting $$ to Gates/WHO GAVI Alliance.

* Never once raising issue of high-cycle PCR tests
* A string of terrible hires and appointments (Mattis, Wray, Barr, Fauci, Wilbur Ross)

* Terrible advisors and confidants (Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn)

* Increased funding for Planned Parenthood in every year of his presidency
* Keeping Fauci on as he torpedoed the US economy and the Trump presidency.

* Three weak SCOTUS appointments, two of whom were practically unopposed by Democrats

* Signed a second disastrous stimulus/budget bill after threatening a veto, without getting a single concession.
* Support for “red flag” laws that give the FBI the power to strip individual 2A rights at their sole discretion, without trial (get ready for that one).

* Support for a bump-stock ban (this has already been extended to AR-15 pistols under his administration).
* The bumbling, incompetent effort to fight & expose blatant election heist

* The non-existent effort to stop said election theft before it happened, in spite of publicized blueprint detailing EXACTLY how it would be done (see the Transition Integrity Project).
* The non-existent effort to stop the EXACT SAME THING from happening in 2 Senate runoff races

* Spiritual Advisor to the President, Paula White.

* A legacy of short-lived Executive Orders, all of which can be wiped away with the stroke of Biden’s pen.
"For me, the inescapable conclusion is that we were conned from Day One by a master con artisan. How good was he? So good that he was able to make millions of people betray their instincts and line up behind him, myself included."
I do take a modicum of comfort in one thing: It wasn’t just any garden-variety con that brought the United States to its knees.

This con was the stuff Trojan Horse legends are made of. When you really think about it, they couldn’t have found a more perfect man to play the lead.
Trump increased the use of drone technology resulting in a 330% increase in civilian deaths.
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