True story: I was spending a week in Canada on a lake with friends. One day after wakeboarding, I realized the ziplock bag with my Amex, drivers license and $100 in cash had flown out of the boat. I searched the area where I thought it happened, but, of course, it was gone...
We had no internet where I was staying, so I didn’t check into Twitter until several days later. That’s when I saw a tweet from a guy that my credit card, cash and license had washed up on his shore. To my great surprise, that guy was Larry King! But there’s more...
Because I hadn’t responded to Larry’s tweet, he followed it with a string of videos of him hilariously pretending to pay for expensive dinners around Canada with my credit card. So a giant tip of the hat to @kingsthings. (And, yes, I got it all back when I returned home).
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