hot take- you shouldn't have to work to live :)
let me add that we have enough food, water, shelter, and other basic necessities for everyone to be provided with these things. and people are still dying for them. it is sick and disgusting, like some game where we fight to see who can prove they are worthy of life
all so a rich white man can continue to accumulate wealth.
also, im not saying no one should work, of course im not saying that. that would just be ignorant. i'm saying that people's survival should not be dependent on them resorting to becoming wage slaves and wasting their life to create/sell etc a product they don't care about
and since someone so ~brilliantly~ brought it up, we can acknowledge the fact that the term "functioning member of society" is something that capitalists use because it scares the working class into thinking that if they aren't working, they are useless, but when you look at...
billionaires, what the fuck do they contribute to our society? they're fucking leeches. they say that to make people afraid that they arent valuable so they will keep working for a boss they hate at a job they can't stand. "functioning member of society" doesnt apply if ..
society changes.
also read this thread
it isnt related but some of you need to hear this
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