The science team behind Theorybrew has been doing some research on selenium (Se) concentrations in barley grown in areas with high Se content in the soil and water: the conditions we could see if coal mining proceeds in our headwaters areas. The science prognosis isn't great...
Some plants catch and hold certain elements better than others and barley/grains/grasses tend to be what are known as concentrators. This means that they take up and store Se effectively and pass that content along to whomever consumes them.
A little Se in your diet is ok, even beneficial. But prolonged exposure to increased levels is extremely dangerous to the health of animal and human populations and can result in congenital defects and neurological disease.
There is no effective remediation for harmed environments and Se is impossible to remove from an environment once higher levels are detected.
So it isn't just about the water for #ABbeer, we need to worry about our malters and barley farmers as well.
This is why we are calling on our friends across the industry to oppose Coal extraction in the Rockies. #ABbeer #ActOnClimate #NoCoalAB #SaveOurFarmers #Selenium @ABbeerguy @AbBeerGuide @ABBEERFESTIVALS
Since Canadian breweries across CAN use Canadian barley grown on the prairies, irrigated by water that comes from these vulnerable regions in the mountains, we encourage every brewery to get loud about this issue @BeerCanada @AltaBrewers @SKCRAFTBEER @OntCraftBrewers @bccraftbeer
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