If the U.S. is attacked, say by power grid, and all communications are down. How would biden be able to respond without his earpiece? Does it work in a secure bunker?πŸ™„
Obama had his "blackberry" so he could be given orders,which was easily hacked by Shaun Bridges
Biden is worse than incompetent, he is dangerous, his Obvious deficiencies are emboldening our enemies around the world. Biden will set a record for wars and hostilities started around the globe.
The framers of the Constitution envisioned a need for the 25th amendment, removal of a incapacitated president. The DS argument that Biden is fine and even if he wasn't there's a competent VP to put out the fires he starts is ridiculous and dangerous.
The shock of the stolen election is wearing off. People are starting to act. Certain legislators are introducing bills to stop Biden's already damaging and deliberate executive orders. The case for the 25th amendment could clearly be made.
Challenge everything he does, file suit if you've been affected by it, if you are unfortunately the people who have already lost their jobs, I'm very sorry I know the feeling, file a lawsuit tie every decision he makes up in court. If you can't remove him neuter him,
Make him a lame duck.
Expose everything he's done and everything he will do online do not give him a moment's rest. He's been on the job less than a week and he already needs a weekend off, sure hope China doesn't attack on a Saturday πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
Do not give this steaming pile of an administration a moment's rest. People are fighting behind the scenes and people need to fight publicly as well.
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