Yesterday at 7:30 am, my girlfriend got the second vaccine shot. 1/
After getting the vaccine, she stopped and picked up bagels.

Later, everyone jumped in, we kicked ass and cleaned the whole house (needed!)
She felt pretty normal all day until around 4:30 pm or so. The Good Dr was making shrimp fried rice. She started feeling achy.
After dinner, the chills and muscle ache started. I made her a hot toddy.

(This is number 4, oops!) 4/
7 pm. She was feeling really sore and feverish. I wrapped her up and made her a makeshift hot water bottle with a Camelback bladder.

Video. 5/
We took her temperature at 7:30. 100.5. she was in full fever mode. We're thinking it was the huge pile of blankets and the shivering.

Once she got back to normal blanket load (NBL) and ditched the hot water bottle, she cooled down a bit. 99.2.

800mg IBU and no-THC CBD. 6/
After a fairly rough night, she's up & happy. The Good Dr reports that she is still sore.. nothing like 7 pm though.

NOTE: she is an endurance athlete and they are nuts.

She's prepping for her morning run.
From reports we are seeing, some people get a fever and some people just skate..

I'm glad she's feeling better (not 100%) today.


Be prepared. Made sure you have some pedialyte or other hydration drink on hand. The ibuprofen (and non-thc CBD) really helped. If you are alone, have some easy to heat soup or other warming food ready.

A hot toddy, too!
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