The piece centers the story of Jen and Ryan Cashman, a white couple + their kids who used to live in Paradise, California.
It does include an interview with Dr. @JalonneWNewsome who explains that climate change hits folks of color harder, and they may be less able to move due to fewer economic resources + less willing to move b/c of greater ties to their communities.
After this perfunctory nod to her excellent work, then the reporter (*cough* abuser *cough*) goes on to segue with one of the biggest "yeah, buts" I've ever heard...
"If you have the luxury of choosing where to live and climate change is a factor, here's the formula..."
" want to be far enough inland to avoid rising sea levels..."
"...far enough north to avoid the worst of the heat waves..."
"...far enough west to avoid hurricanes..."
far enough *north
"...and far enough east to avoid wildfires"
"...droughts are also becoming worse in our western states, so you also want plenty of fresh water..."
"So, where does that leave you? The Great Lakes." And, specifically, Madison, Wisconsin.
As a climate change bonus, Madison is actually not that cold anymore.
[according to the reporter + the mayor of Madison]
The interview with the mayor of Madison does include a nod (again perfunctory) to the racial disparities in the "high quality of life" in Madison.
"Now, no place is perfect, even Madison," the reporter says in aw-shucks-folksiness.
"When we make another 'number 1' or 'top 10' [best places to live], well that's clearly true of the white population.

Is that also true for people of color? And the answer is almost always no, it's not."
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