A year ago today I gave up cigarettes and alcohol. 🎉
This is the longest I've gone without either since I first tried them, over half my lifetime ago.

Thanks to all the friends and colleagues who knowingly or otherwise who helped me on this little journey!

Some thoughts...
This wasn't the first time I tried to quit. Gum, patches, vaping, I've tried them all.

This time I went cold turkey.
According to the NHS only 3 in 100 succeed in quitting this way. ( https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/stop-smoking-coping-with-cravings/)

There were a few key factors that I think tipped the scales for me...
1. I quit drinking and smoking at the same time. 🚭

Drinking was one of my biggest triggers for a cigarette craving.
Though this is very subjective, compared to previous attempts my sleep got much better very quickly, I think doing both at the same time really helped here.
2. I prioritised sleep. 😴

Using a sleep tracker, I started doing everything I could to reduce the amount of time I spent awake at night. After a few nights of 7+ hours of actual sleep. The intensity of my cravings reduced dramatically to what I remember from other attempts.
3. Instead of being focused on quitting smoking, I started to measure and focus on my health. 📈

Instead of "not being a smoker" I focused on being able to run faster.
I found this to be a much better motivator, the cost of giving in and having a smoke was much greater too!
Material gain:

I used to smoke a pack a day at £12 per pack. Over a year, that's £4,380.
Looking at my drinking expenditures for 2019, I come out at over £3,000.


I stashed this money over the year. It's pretty much a free motorcycle. 🏍
That's to say nothing about time!⏳

Say each smoke takes 4-5 mins. 20 a day = 1.5 hours per day.
Over a year that's 547.5 hours. Or nearly 28 days I've gotten back.

That's JUST the cigarettes!

Alcohol is harder to work out. But I know I'm getting a little return there too.
Some other things:

- I can run without gasping for air.
- I can take a deep breath without any pain, or my chest feeling tight.
- I sleep soundly, on a regular schedule.
- I can remain focused.
- I can remember things better than I could before.
- I have SO much more energy.
What's more, is that I wouldn't have remembered that it had been a year today if my phone hadn't of reminded me.

Having a drink or smoke feels like a strange idea now. No doubt, I'll probably have a drink in the future, but I'm really not fussed about having one right now.
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