It also makes no mention that she made important factual claims about the Inauguration which were wrong and which she would've known were wrong if she'd done even slight fact-checking. Journos losing their jobs for getting facts wrong sounds like the system *working* to me. 1/
Yes, she said the Inaug gave her chills. Mild lapse of professionalism. She also said Trump refused to give Biden a government flight to DC. Biden campaign denied the story: Trump Administration extended the offer but Biden had other travel plans. 2/
That's a major lapse of professionalism. To my knowledge, NYT has given no statement on why she was fired. But rather than assume NYT did so for her minor lapse, why not assume they did so for her major lapse? 3/
Bottom line: people shouldn't lose jobs over small stuff. Both Left and Right have terrible track records on this. People should lose jobs over major stuff. Both sides have terrible track records of spinning major stuff as being small stuff.

We need to do better.

4/4 fin
Addendum: the second tweet in this screengrab is based on untruth. Judge for yourself whether the first tweet or the second is the greater breach of professional standards.
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