1/ Let's talk about the New York Times firing editor Lauren Wolfe, and rise of the alt-right, starting in 2014 with GamerGate.

Wolfe tweeted that she had "chills" on inauguration day.

The right predictably spun up an outrage cycle, and Wolfe was fired. https://twitter.com/JShahryar/status/1353124692069019649
2/ To some of us, this looked a *lot* like GamerGate, a misogynistic harassment campaign whereby a collection of creeps and incels pretended that they were the victims of a liberal gaming press, and leveraged that position to attack feminists.
3/ For people watching the far-right, we saw exactly how hate groups used that to recruit.

In September 2014, alt-right personality Milo Yiannopoulos, then Breitbart's Tech Editor, published the private emails of a games journalist listserv, as evidence of their liberal agenda.
4/ At the time, Breitbart also had a "Black Crime" section, which was literally just news reports of Black people committing crimes.

It was a tactic straight out of Nazi-era Der Sturmer, which published similar accounts of crimes committed by Jews.
5/ This was overseen by Trump advisor Steve Bannon, who was then running Breitbart News.

Misogyny became a pipeline into the alt-right, and the far-right saw what a valuable recruiting tool these kinds of outrage campaigns were.
6/ Unfortunately, both businesses and mainstream outlets took this misogynistic harassment campaign seriously, thinking that this collection of creeps and incels were simply concerned about "ethics in gaming journalism."
8/ Fascists seek power.

And when outlets like the New York Times treat seriously their claims of victimization, they achieve that power.

Those early victories in GamerGate-- just like the firing of Lauren Wolfe-- helped the far-right recruit new adherents.
9/ Meanwhile, the New York Times is changing headlines to downplay that federal agents were teargassing leftist protesters in Portland, instead emphasizing that some windows got broken. https://twitter.com/nyt_diff/status/1353048908042272768
10/ So for a lot of us, seeing the New York Times fire Lauren Wolfe over some ginned up rightwing outrage is a repeat of 2014.

The far-right is going back to its old tricks, and repeating its past successes.
11/ Some specific far-right groups facing a federal crackdown are laying low.

But the rest of them?

They're growing, driven by paranoia and frustrated white male entitlement.
12/ And the New York Times is helping the far-right along, assuring them that their complaints are valid, and handing them the power they seek.

They're starting the cycle all over again, and if we continue to take their demands seriously, we're going to have Trump again in 2024.
13/ So if you're left-of-center, this matters.

Some ostensible leftists, like Glenn Greenwald, have become so brain-poisoned by their need to dunk on liberals that they're making common cause with the far-right.

And that's exactly what they want.
14/ After years of fighting the far-right, years of harassment and death threats, this feels like a bad dream to a lot of us, like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

History is repeating itself. The tactics of GamerGate are being renewed.
15/ So if you've ever wondered what you'd do during the Nazis' rise to power, you're doing it right now.

You have a chance to fight back, or you can calmly acquiesce, assured in the knowledge that the far-right hasn't come for you.


Me? I know what side I'm on.
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