5 Daily Practices to be More Creative

Read this thread if you are struggling to find your unique advantage in this world.


Creativity is a muscle that must be trained.

Like any other muscle, it atrophies when you don't use it.

The easiest way to start building your creativity muscle is to train your brain to come up with new ideas.

Chances are you already do this subconsciously.

But what if...
you did this intentionally?

Ideas are powerful.

Just one executed well could change your life.

When Richard Branson had the idea for Virgin Atlantic, he called Boeing the same day to lease a plane

It later became a billion dollar business but it all started with that 1st idea
Ideas are messages from your subconscious.

They are a culmination of all your knowledge and experience coming back to you in the form of intelligence.

This is why when a powerful idea strikes, we get that "ah huh!" feeling.

That's your inner genius screaming.
So the question is "what steps can I take to intentionally prime my brain to generate ideas on a daily basis?"

1) Make it a habit to write down 10 ideas daily.

This is a daily practice @JamesAltucher uses to generate ideas for his many businesses and creative projects

Writing down 10 ideas daily forces you to think creatively.

Think of it as doing "brain pull ups".

Some days you will struggle and some days you will stumble on GOLD.

2) Pick up a creative hobby

Creating music


Creative hobbies...
allow you to activate a different part of your brain.

Your intuitive side.

The side that most other people look over.

Do this consistently and you'll start to notice ideas come at you out of nowhere.

When these ideas appear...
3) Take Notes

All creators take notes to capture ideas.

I've studied many creators across multiple industries and one thing they all have in common is they're all prolific note takers.

Always have a notepad and pen with you.

Every article you read.

Every tweet.

Every book.
Every conversation.

Any time you hear an idea come out of nowhere, no matter how crazy it is


That is your genius talking to you.

So now you should have a notepad full of random notes.....
4) Mix and match

Think of ideas as loose pieces of Lego.

Spend 2-3x every week to sit down and look over your notes.

Don't force this. Take your time.

Pick up random ideas and try to combine them with other ideas.

Compare new with old.

See what jumps out.

Last one...
5) Shock your routine

We are creatures of routine and habit.

This is good for productivity but not great for creativity.

You need to move.

Don't be afraid to step out of routine.

Walk in a different park.

Try a different coffee shop.

Order from a different restaurant.

Creativity is about being experimental, having fun and cultivating a system to capture all the strange ideas you get from it.

In a world that values logic above everything else, being creative is an easy way to stand out.

Practice it and you'll find your unique self.
You can follow @waronweakness.
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