Fuck the @nytimes for firing a queer Jewish woman for being relieved she no longer had to live under a regime that glorified antisemitism and homophobia.
The people who want to SEE BOTH SIDES are very rarely the vulnerable populations who would suffer most given the logical conclusion of a white supremacist regime who literally staged a coup on the Capitol TWO WEEKS AGO.

You craven motherfuckers.
Journalism just endured four years of a direct attack on THE TRUTH and this is their big move out of the gate?

That's ignorance.
I am so disgusted by this. They recorded people doing Nazi salutes and wearing Auschwitz sweatshirts at that coup and wonder GEE WHY WOULD A JEWISH PERSON GET CHILLS KNOWING THE CHOSEN LEADER OF THAT CULT IS LEAVING THE WHITEHOUSE.
"Oh, I'm sorry Lauren, wanting to survive in the face of blatant terrorism that sees you with few living relatives BECAUSE THEY WERE KILLED IN THE PORAJMOS is too controversial of a take, pack your shit."
Literally disgusted, @nytimes. Actually repulsed on a cellular level by this decision knowing how many HOW TRUMP SUPPORTERS FEEL op eds you're running.

Fuuuuuck. Youuuuu.
In the meantime, she has a Venmo for financial support after being, you know, terminated during a plague. Details here: https://twitter.com/JShahryar/status/1353244161449762822?s=19
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