Can we also talk about how these people who claim to want universal healthcare plan to convince people that their particular route to get there is the best route if they call everyone who dares question them a shitlib who hates poor people?

It’s just poor organizing.
People on here calling themselves political activists when their entire resume consists of hosting a podcast and appearing on the same five people’s podcasts.

Oh and calling people slightly to their right names and treating them like they’re stupid.

That’s shit organizing.
Like which is the better tactic:

I don’t understand why people don’t get that capitalism is destructive


Let me explain how I came to think that capitalism is destructive.

A lot of folks are number one. The few people I see who are number two tend to be BIPOC.
You have allowed loud obnoxious white men become the face of a movement that isn’t begin enough for y’all to be spitting out the word liberal or centrist like it’s a dirtier word than trump supporter or fascist.
Whatever happened to meeting people where they are? You’re not gonna grow your movement by calling everyone who is not in your insular little crowd stupid.

You should take some notes from abortion rights activists who managed to push Biden and centrists on HYDE for fucks sake.
Because this extremely online ‘let me hop in peoples mentions and insult them for no reason’ bullshit? It’s not working. You’re not winning. All you’re doing now is alienating more and more people.

You’ve managed to turn AOC into the fucking boogeyman.


Grow up.
Like... what is the point of this? Digging up a ten month old tweet to dunk on a man who lost his daughter to gun violence? What the fuck is wrong with you. I’m seriously asking.
Anyway. Good luck growing your movement beyond twitter. And blessed be your patreon.
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