I've never understood the advice of doing "just a bit" of your dissertation each day (e.g., writing a sentence, editing a footnote, etc.) until a couple days ago. I read 10 pages of scholarship, and immediately ideas began to fly out of my brain. 1/?
This "just a bit" of diss. helps keep the project at the forefront of your mind instead of somewhere on the back shelf collecting dust (as @DrSaraParks pointed out to me). My next challenge is to make sure I do diss. every day before other things (like email etc.) 2/?
None of what I am saying is novel. In fact, many people have given me this advice, but I haven't been in a position to act on the advice until now (sorry, friends/mentors!). My copyediting work, teaching, etc., had been taking up my entire brain and energy. 3/?
Another "delayed revelation" (something I've been told before but didn't really hit until a couple days ago): write first, decide where it goes later. Is what I am writing intro stuff? Chapter 1? Conclusion? Perhaps too early to tell. But writing while I have momentum is key 4/?
My writing strategy that I've developed over the past couple of years when working on articles/conference papers: start with things I *need* to address. E.g., why am I using this text? Why am I using this approach? And write as though responding directly to those questions 5/?
My current citation strategy: for what purpose am I citing? Is it to support a general claim? ("most scholars date the text to 2nd c.") Am I quoting directly to add emphasis/ mic drop? (E.g., "Patriarchy has already poisoned all of the wells." - @BlossomStefaniw). 6/?
One thing I learned re: citation (via @UofTGCAC workshops) is that the sources are working for YOU. Only use them for what you need in your writing. And be careful when you give away your voice to another scholar via direct quotes (esp. block quotes!). 7/?
This has changed my reading strategy too. Now I ask "What info do I need from this book/article?" This helps me not get taken down rabbit holes or too far into the weeds of the scholar's own argument but instead keeps my own interests at the fore. 8/?
One thing I'm struggling with is not comparing my own diss. to others esp. re: word count, structure, etc. So another "delayed revelation" is to keep your eyes on your own prize (easier said than done). It'll be as long as it needs to be. It'll get done (soon?). 9/?
As one of my dear friends/mentors @kj_mrphy recently told me, "I don't care how you get there, I just want you there ❤" So I will get there, one question response at a time. One "mic drop" direct quote at a time. It feels like I'm only TRULY beginning this diss. journey now 10/?
In conclusion, I end with a quote from the Beastie Boys' MCA (RIP):
"There's nothing here that's not been said before
But though I put it down now so that I'll be sure
To solidify my own views
And I'll be glad if it helps anyone else out too."
(Song: Bodhisattva Vow)
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