I've run my own sports media companies for 25 years, & I've interviewed Coach K for 34 years.
Quick observations:
1-Keep your head up, @jake_piazza. You asked a fundamentally good, fair question. You did your job well. What happened next was largely out of your control.
(more) https://twitter.com/jake_piazza/status/1353158226691444736
2-Coach K's uber-competitiveness serves him well in countless ways & is central to why he's one of the greatest coaches of all time.
As with most people, K's best qualities also can work against him. E.g., that same intensity occasionally has led to health issues, snarky moments.
3-There are many contexts, including this one, where a coach has every right to dodge a question, even a fair question. That's just how it works; he doesn't "owe" anyone an answer here. His econ-test analogy wasn't perfect, but I think that was his way of saying, "Not right now."
4-K has fielded forward-looking questions many times, even after hard losses. Far more often that not, he's been gracious in those moments, talking about the upcoming game/week even though he's not wired that way, especially if there's little/no media availability in the interim.
5-K's coach (at Army) & mentor, Bob Knight, was both a brilliant coach & a reckless/antagonistic bully, including w/media. "Young Coach K" (1980s,etc) showed some of that, including w/Duke Chronicle reporters, back then. To his credit, he moved away from Knight's worst qualities.
6-I've interviewed two US presidents, dozens of HOF coaches/athletes & countless others, & Coach K ranks in the 99th percentile for: "Ask a great question, get a great answer." He's truly brilliant, thoughtful & a kinder/gentler version of his younger self, but nobody's perfect.
7-My Bottom Line: This wasn't K's best moment, but it wasn't an atrocity, either. (I researched & wrote of his secretly recorded tirade vs Chronicle students 30+ years ago, among other infamous moments.) Over time, K = much MORE fair/reasonable w/refs/media/others.
Carry on...🙏
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